Choose A Vintage Sewing Machine Guides
Struggling to decide on which vintage sewing machine to buy? Would love to have all of this information in one easily accessible place? Choose a Vintage Sewing Machine is the course that will answer all your questions. Some people prefer to read information rather than watch a video, so we are offering the guides from the Choose a Vintage Sewing Machine course separately.
The guides, Vintage Sewing Machines Guide and The Collection Guide, are downloadable ebooks in PDF format that you can read at your leisure and always have available for reference.
Here is a sample of Vintage Sewing Machines Guide:
Vintage Sewing Machines Guide Sample.pdf
Here is a sample of The Collection Guide:
The Collection Guide Sample.pdf
There is a huge choice of vintage sewing machines available to purchase. When I first started buying vintage sewing machines, I had to spend hours researching the various makes and models: there was nowhere I could find all of this information in one place. I’ve taken all of the knowledge that I’ve acquired and created these guides so you will have all this information in ebook format.
I talk about vintage SINGER® sewing machines in the guides. The concepts that I teach you will apply to any vintage sewing machine but I prefer to focus on SINGER® because of the number of machines and spare parts that are available. I would recommend that anyone who is just starting to purchase vintage sewing machines limit their search to SINGER® sewing machine models.
Kim Jamieson-Hirst
Instructor Bio:
Kim Jamieson-Hirst
[email protected]